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432Hz- here to support humanity's awakening

Updated: Mar 28

Ever since my early 20's I got to listen to numerous groups of Tibetan monks- live chanting their sacred music, while playing their 432Hz bawls. Having the luxury to be in the same room with them while immersed in this experience had profoundly effected my ability to tune inwards. It has been an experience of consciously shifting from my left outward brain to my right inward brain. How do I know this? I experienced it.

In the past 3 years an internal impulse compelled me to make a conscious decision to tune my cello to A-432hz on a daily basis and over time I noticed to have developed a sensitivity that helped me to consciously empty my mind while playing. How? I noticed to be more my "sensing zone" rather than in my "thinking zone". Becoming aware of that seem to have brought me powerful experiences of transcendence, where my body = Subconscious was ever present and I felt empowered and less in my questioning head. My improvisation were more in the flow and I genuinely had deeper inner experiences while playing.

These experiences lead me to conclude that this “frequency code” is more powerful than my left brain culture could even comprehend. It’s no wonder this number (432) has been etched into so many sacred sites. I personally see it as a reminder of the infinite human powers available to us -to contemplate that our "inner authority" can very well take charge of our entire consciousness.

In Human Design the "Inner Authority" means= the place in our body from where we connect to our higher power. It can be the Spleen (intuition), The Sacral (gut), The solar plexus (Emotions), The Willpower (Heart/ Ego), The G Center (Our magnetic monopole which is our self identity and the main "driver" of our consciousness. Each of these authorities needs to be paid attention to from the body as they are not connected to the mind.

My work with 432Hz is considered somewhat of a ‘deprogramming work’ given that we are all still very much unaware of our inner authorities powers and are currently depended on “experts” (left brain culture) to tell us what’s “true” for us a tribe/ collective. If you recognize yourself as a 'sovereign' being, an evolving soul with an individual journey- you may want to study Human Design where it is explained that "truth" is considered to be the Sidhi (attainment) of your very own inner "Inquiry" which transcends whatever doubts you might have. We each get to tap into this journey through our "inner authority". Feel free to also read my previous article about the soul journey within Gate 63 in Human Design (the journey from Doubt to Truth).

I personally feel that an individual can chose to consciously undergo this process of re-considering his/ her own definition of knowledge & truth which is shifting from what the programming dictates to listen to their own inner authority experience. This is where my work with 432Hz helps individuals experience a different way of relating to their sensitivity, by paying attention to the nuances of our inner experience we may learn a bit more about our immense powers here on Earth and manage to manipulate our inner/ outer reality according to our inner journey.


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